Running with Shin Splints & Chiropractic Care
Runners of all abilities can suffer from shin splints. This usually occurs when an athlete attempts to step up their game. Increases in mileage or speed are common reasons for shin splints to first appear. Often times, running on uneven terrain, hills, or unlevel roads may cause pain as well. The pain may also arise if a runner gets new shoes or modifies running gait. Shin splints account for 10-15% of all running injuries according to the British Journal of Sports Medicine.
Pain from shin splints is usually located along the runner’s shinbone anywhere from the knee to the ankle. This is caused by tiny tears in the muscle fibers along the tibia, which is commonly referred to as the shinbone. The cause of this pain is a result from improper biomechanics somewhere in the body. It is important to be evaluated by a chiropractor to determine the underlying cause of the problem. Often the dysfunction is found at the runner’s knee, ankle, foot, hip or low back.
If shin splints are not properly treated, the runner may continue to get worsening pain in the front of the leg.
This untreated imbalance may also progress to damaging the cartilage and meniscus of the knee. Frequently, shin splints can lead to pain in other surrounding muscles such as the TFL, Gastrocnemius, Hamstrings group, or Quadriceps group.
Any athlete that experiences pain should be evaluated by a medical professional to prevent further injury. Chiropractic treatments are aimed at restoring the body’s optimal function and movement patterns. If you or your running partner experience discomfort in the area of the shinbone, a chiropractor should be your first stop for advice.
Or are you sidelined by Plantar Fasciitis Pain?
Pain can quickly put an athlete on the bench for the remainder of the season and Plantar fasciitis is a frequent contender that affects all sports. Plantar fasciitis is commonly known as “heel pain syndrome.” This pain in the bottom of the foot inflicts over 2 million people each year and can take up to 18 months of active treatment to resolve.
Plantar fasciitis can come on gradually as the result of a degenerative process or improper biomechanics. It may also occur suddenly if there is trauma to the foot or leg. Chiropractic treatment helps to restore normal joint mechanics to reduce tension across the plantar fascia.
If left untreated, this pain will most likely cause an altered gait and movement patterns during athletic training. This will cause additional stress on the rest of the body and eventually cause pain in the knees, hips, or low back. Our goal at Desired Health Chiropractic is to get athletes that have been suffering with this type of foot pain off the bench and back in action as quickly as possible.
If you ever have any questions or concerns about your health talk to us. Contact Desired Health Chiropractic in Anoka at (763) 205-6192. Whether it’s back pain, neck pain, headaches, sports injuries or exercise advice, we’re here to help you feel, move, and sleep better!