
July 2018
“Foot flatness” or “fallen arches” are the result of pronation of the foot. Pronation is when your feet are biomechanically altered causing the arches of the foot drop or collapse. Here are 5 easy exercises to add to your stretching or warm up routines to keep your arches and feet happy. Gastroc Stretch (Single Leg): Assume...
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The knees are the most vulnerable joints in the sports world. They can handle much less trauma or force before becoming injured. They also are subjected to a lot of repetitive use in sports that involve kicking, running, or jumping. Knee pain that starts for an unknown reason can be frustrating to a competitive athlete...
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Plantar fasciitis is pain in the heel that is a result of gradual degeneration of the plantar fascia due to repetitive motions or sudden trauma to the area. Often this pain is worse in the morning or prior to warming up the foot. Many athletes struggle with plantar fasciitis because the pain tends to less...
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Did you know that there are 26 bones, 33 joints, and over 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments in each foot! We think the feet are important to keep healthy and aligned so you can rock your athletic abilities. At Desired Health Chiropractic we assess biomechanics and neurology of the body so we can find issues...
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How we assess patients for pronation of the feet in our office:   1. Foot Flare Foot flare is assessed when a patient takes a comfortable stance and the toes of the feet point out. The reason this happens is that there is a muscle imbalance going on between the inside and outside muscles of...
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