Does Knee Surgery Mean I Can’t Have Chiropractic Care for My Knee? Chiropractic care is especially important after knee surgery. At one of the main chiropractic schools in the U.S., National University located outside of Chicago, chiropractors reported on their care of a 26-year-old ice hockey goalie who had already had knee surgery. He continued...Read More
In our chiropractic clinic we see a high percentage of youth athletes. Female athletes ages 9-16 are the most susceptible to knee pain and injuries for several reasons. First, the physical development of female hips rapidly changes during puberty. The reason this leaves these athletes prone to knee issues is biomechanics. The Q angle is...Read More
What Can I Do For My Knee Pain? There are always positive steps you can take to reduce your knee pain. 1. Icing Your Knee When the pain is greater, icing your knee is very beneficial to numbing the pain and decreasing the inflammation in your knee joint. To ice your knee, follow these simple...Read More
What is Knee Pain? Knee pain is pain in and around any part of the knee. The location of the pain gives our office a clue as to what is wrong with your knee. For example, if your pain is above the knee, it can mean the quadriceps tendon has been damaged. Pain behind the knee...Read More