Sitting on your wallet can cause back pain, neck pain and even headaches. Back pain caused by back-pocket wallets is so common it has nicknames: hip-pocket syndrome, wallet neuropathy, and Costanza Wallet Syndrome… But is it really true, or is fat-wallet back pain just a joke or a myth? It’s definitely no joke! Sitting on your overstuffed wallet distorts...Read More
For most women, your handbag is more than an accessory. It’s where you store everything you’ll need for going to work and dining out. We keep our basics like wallets, cosmetics, laptops, snacks, gym clothes, water bottles etc. The American Chiropractic Association reports that about 80 percent of the U.S. population will have back pain at some point in...Read More
Public health experts have recognized for many years that excessively heavy backpacks can cause back and neck pain in children. These tips can help: • Make sure your child’s backpack weighs no more than 5-10% of their body weight • Your Backpack should never hang more than 4 inches below your child’s waistline • Purchase Backpacks...Read More