A herniated disc is a spinal injury caused by physical trauma, bad posture or disc degeneration. It causes painful lumbar and limb symptoms that compromise mobility and physical alignment. An Anoka MN chiropractor offers the following safe herniated disc relief tips to provide patients with optimum and non-invasive healthcare support.
The herniated disc also referred to as a bulging disc, is an injury that causes severe pain. With the shift in spinal joint alignment, the soft tissue within each disc can leak and irritate the interconnected nerves. This abnormal bulge requires structural resolution and will not improve with the use of prescription medication.
A chiropractic professional will carefully examine the spinal column to identify where the injury is located. X-rays may be advised to detect injuries and conditions such as degeneration that could compromise lumbar health and the healing process. Once determined, the practitioner can move forward with individualized and non-invasive intervention.
Therapy includes spinal adjustments for misalignment and improvement in the state of bulging discs. The practitioner uses a hands-on approach to manually move the affected joints into an aligned position. Restoring joint alignment significantly reduces nerve pressure and provides relief from the back pain and mobile restrictions caused by injuries.
Traction is a non-invasive approach developed to remove nerve pressure and improve tissue healing. Patients lie on a comfortable table and experience gentle spinal stretches to improve circulation and the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. Once nutrients are delivered to the vertebral joints, it improves healing processes without reliance on harsh or surgical measures.
Mild cases of disc herniation are managed with non-invasive care techniques tailored to meet the specific healthcare requirements of affected patients. The chiropractor incorporates traction, adjustments and gentle exercises to correct the condition of affected discs and spinal health. Improvements in mobility and back pain with supportive and non-invasive techniques are created for the improvement of individual well-being and the recovery of herniated discs.
Chiropractic care helps relieve neck, spine, leg and foot pain naturally and safely. Click here for more info about a reliable Anoka MN chiropractor at http://www.DesiredHealthChiro.com today.