How we assess patients for pronation of the feet in our office:
1. Foot Flare
Foot flare is assessed when a patient takes a comfortable stance and the toes of the feet point out. The reason this happens is that there is a muscle imbalance going on between the inside and outside muscles of the foot. This process happens gradually over time with excessive use and improper balance.
2. Internal Knee Rotation
When we assess a patient for pronation, we always look to the alignment of the knees. If foot arches are rolled in the knees must follow and they will rotate towards each other. Sometimes the knees will be rotated symmetrically and sometimes we notice that one is significantly worse than the other.
This internal rotation of the knees will put a lot of mechanical pressure on the outside of the knee joint, which will cause athletes achiness and discomfort. .
3. Bowed Achilles Tendons
When we view the patient’s heels from behind, we often see the inward roll of the pronated foot in the Achilles tendons. These tendons will no longer be straight or symmetric. There will be a bowing to the tendon that can be permanent if not treated soon enough.
4. Flat Foot
There are three arches that make up the cushion of the foot. When the foot biomechanics are altered it puts stress on these arches and over time they will be reduced in size and effectiveness. When a patient demonstrates excessive pronation it is typical that the 3 arches have collapsed and the foot will be flat against the ground.
The danger in flat feet is that there is no longer a protective cushioning to the patient’s gait and all steps will cause a shock up the legs and spine.
5. Uneven Heel Wear
We also assess how the shoes of a patient wear as they are used. This is especially important in the athletes as we look for symmetrical wear of the heel on the shoes. One side is often worn away faster in a pronated foot.
At Desired Health Chiropractic we assess biomechanics and neurology of the body before it becomes a chronic issue. We want our athletes to feel, function, and perform at their best.
Call our office today for a free assessment of what you can do to improve your posture, stance, gait, and enhance your athletic ability- 763-205-6192.