Nature Built an Armor of Protection Around Your Spine
Did you know, even minor interferences to the spine called subluxations, can interfere with normal bodily function?
Although headaches and neck pain are not caused by just one source, a growing body of research clearly demonstrates that a majority of this pain is caused by problems in the cervical spine.
Once your Nervous System is free to function properly, how quickly it does the job is really only limited by healing factors outside of our control. Some of those factors are outside of everyone’s control. For example, we can’t change your age, we can’t grow a new leg or vertebrae and we know that long standing problems usually take longer to resolve than more recent problems but the great news is that there are factors that are in your control.
In fact, the central nervous system is so important, that nature built an armor of protection around it (your spine!) However, this built in armor is not completely invulnerable. In extreme examples, when the spine is injured, it can have devastating consequences. Did you know, even minor interferences to the spine called subluxations, can interfere with normal bodily function?
Cervical spinal adjustments are associated with significant improvement in headache outcomes in trials involving patients with neck pain and or neck dysfunction and headaches.
The vertebra of the cervical spine can become misaligned because of excessive or repetitive stress.
These misalignments irritate the nerves in the neck and cause muscle tension all of which can contribute to a variety of headaches.
Current theories suggest that a central nervous system dysfunction is involved in the initiation of migraine headaches, with subsequent activation of the trigeminovascular system.
Chiropractic adjustments of the cervical spine were found to be superior in terms of reducing neck pain, tension headache frequency, intensity, and also improving the functional status of patients when compared to standard medical treatments.
Cervical spinal adjustments are associated with significant improvement in headache outcomes in trials involving patients with neck pain and or neck dysfunction and headaches.
Also, reducing stress you can free up healing resources in your body. Often those are the very things that contributed toward the problem so it makes sense that reducing or eliminating those factors can help us move forward more quickly. We also find that those with a positive attitude and a willingness accept suggestions for positive change get better faster.
Chiropractors can reduce or remove the interference to your healing ability by focusing on your nervous system.
Suffering from neck pain, back pain or headaches? We can help! Please call (763) 205-6192 to schedule an appointment.