Last-Minute Halloween Costumes
Today is the day to trick-or-treat, ooh and aah over costumes, and enjoy a few mini versions of your favorite candy bar!
If you’re still in need of a costume idea, here are some classics to consider:
- Wear a blue shirt and glue cotton balls all over it. Carry a spray bottle with water. When asked what you are say, “Cloudy with a chance of showers,” and spray people with the water bottle.
- Dress nicely and hold a sign saying, “I’m sorry.” You are now a formal apology.
- Put on a generic jersey, wear a #1 glove, and hold a sign that says, “Go Ceiling!” Now you’re a ceiling fan.
- Use a white lab coat, a German beer mug, and a pack of hot dogs. Drop one of the hot dogs into the mug, and you become Dr. Frank-in-stein.
- Wear a red flannel shirt and a hold a roll of paper towels to become the Brawny Man.
What ideas are on your list?
Do you want to look your best in your costume? Dr. Desiree Van Bogart at Desired Health Chiropractic is here to help evaluate your needs and answer your questions!